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1974 - LOTTO/22389 - SMOM - GRANDI MAESTRI - 2 FDC
1974 - LOTTO/22389 - SMOM - GRANDI MAESTRI - 2 FDC 1974 - LOTTO/22389 - SMOM - GRANDI MAESTRI - 2 FDC

1974 - LOTTO/22389 - SMOM - GRANDI MAESTRI - 2 FDC

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3,50 €

10/5/1974  SOVRANO MILITARE ORDINE DI MALTA - Grandi Maestri (Cat. Unificato/Yvert.94/99 ) serie completa su 2 buste FDC Capitolium con annullo del Primo Giorno di Emissione.

05/10/1974 SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Grand Masters (Cat. Unified / Yvert.94 / 99) Complete Series on 2 envelopes FDC Capitolium with cancellation of the First Day of Issue.

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